Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I admire his will to put on a smile everyday. Everyday dance around like a clown, but the kind of clown you love to watch. Constantly making people laugh. People, lots of people, all watching him. Watching him every single night, acting like life is just so whimsical, and funny. But what's going on behind the scenes? whats going on behind that desk? Behind that smile? We're all actors. Always acting. We all put on a face to wear around outside of our loneliness. We decide whether or not we want people to really know what is going on, or let them think good things are going on. Or at least staying neutral. It's so hard to remember to be grateful, even though you really are. Jesus is a magician. He can make things appear and disappear, make things go from good to bad with the wave of a hand. Water to wine. If that isn't magic... I don't know what is.

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